Sunday, June 30, 2013

Did you know there are 34 Boston Islands?  These islands were at one time hills. Of these islands, which you can visit by boat, ferry or kayak. Georges Island is situated just over 7 miles from downtown Boston. Historic Fort Warren is on the island. Dedicated in 1847, Fort Warren's served as a training ground, patrol point, and Civil War prison that apparently quite humane in its treatment of its Confederate prisoners. After 100 years of military use, the fort was decommissioned in 1947.
To this day, in the fort's dark corridors, the legend lives on of "The Lady in Black," the ghost of a Confederate prisoner's wife who is said to have been sentenced to death for aiding in an escape after disguising herself as a male soldier, and hanged in a black robe which was the best the soldiers could do to accommodate her last request of being executed in female clothing.

The day was wonderful. There were people playing and hanging out, and the fort is a wonderful place to explore. I have included some pictures of our visit here.  If you want more information on the islands, you should check out More about Boston Islands.


mah972 said...

What was the machine he mentioned in his blog post of the fort? Any pics of it?

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